Beyond Ordinary ETFs

Research & Reports

The Next Big Theme: June 2024

This month, we discuss disruptive trends in Artificial Intelligence, Data Centers, U.S. Infrastructure, Telemedicine, Robotics, and Cybersecurity. By Ido Caspi

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Inflection Points at Mid-Year: Favorable Winds, Choppy Seas

Labor, leverage, and liquidity are strong, helping explain stocks’ year-to-date advances and a look to the second half of 2024. By Scott Helfstein

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AI Boom Is Creating Opportunities for Renewables and Power Infrastructure

Rapid growth of AI and data centers is creating significant potential opportunities for the world's power producers, including renewable energy developers. By Madeline Ruid

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Registration No. : Director of Kanto Local Finance Bureau (Financial Instruments Firms) No.3174
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Member of The Investment Trusts Association, Japan